
September 8, 2006

Wine Diva has a serious case of PMS...

Pluto Misrepresentation Syndrome

What happens when a Wine Diva's ruling planet has suddenly been downgraded to a large floating rock?
Do I lose my focus, crave pork rinds and wear a lot of black? Without Plutonian guidance will my fellow Scorpio's and I run amok crashing and bouncing along with no direction.
The astrologers assured me that my ruling planet was powerful Pluto-I always wondered if it was because they secretly thought I was Goofy.

Of course they also assured me that my power colour was blood red...

Wine Diva asks...

Where do you purchase your wine?

Primarily at BC Liquor Stores
Primarily at privately owned fine wine stores
Primarily at privately owned cold beer & wine stores
Primarily at VQA wine stores

The submissions are anonymous.

Here are the results of Wine Diva's August question:
Who or what is the major influence when purchasing wine?

said-Reviews in local publications or websites
said-Reviews in international publications or websites  
said-The staff or shelf talkers in the store
            31% said-Recommendations from friends or acquaintances

Thanks for your input all you wine savvy peeps!

Go To Next Section

Cover Story (Wine Diva with PMS, Wine Diva asks...)
BC Wine Reviews (Tantalize me with Tantalus)
International Sips (All the pretty packages)
Taste Bites (Salt, How Cheesy, New Noshes)
Wine Diva-isms (Return of the Automat-BAMN!)